Not living in Victoria? Buy emerald Electricity Advisor now.
Living In Victoria?
Enter your details below, and we will be in touch to
arrange your FREE emerald Electricity Advisor installation.

How To Claim Your Free
Electricity Advisor?
After completing your contact details.
We will arrange for an accredited provider (under the VEU scheme) to install an Electricity Advisor (worth $129.00) into your property. Rest assured, there will be no charge for the product or the installation – it is completely FREE.
The emerald EMS app (available on the App Store or
Google Play ) provides you with all your energy usage information, and will help you save money on your energy bills!
Why Is Electricity Advisor Available For Free?
The Victorian government energy upgrades scheme (VEU) provides support to all Victorian households with the installation and upgrade of energy efficient technology to help reduce energy costs and greenhouse emissions. emerald Electricity Advisor is a VEU approved product, and can therefore be installed for FREE.